12 December 2011

Found it on Pinterest, Vol. 1 :: DIY Mercury Glass, Part 1

So, how many things do you pin on Pinterest and say to yourself "I could do that", and then how many have you actually done?? Well, I have vowed to myself I will try at least one new crafty task a month... so this month... mercury glass.

My good friend, Nicole is getting married in May 2012 and I am styling her wedding. Her overall look is  'vintage glam' with lots of metallic elements so naturally we have envisioned lots and lots of mercury glass. Well of course, thanks to Pinterest, we decided it would be less expensive to make our own. We've learned two lessons:

1) Everything looks easy on the Internet
2) This is not less expensive than buying your own (at least this particular method, jury is still out on the concept in general, so stand by for other methods in Part 2 of this post).

So I'm going to briefly take you through our journey. We used the technique from this lovely blog. Let me just start out by saying ours look nothing like hers. If they did, we would not have labelled this attempt as a giant FAIL. I blame it on impatience. However, we are not giving up! We are trying a new technique next weekend. Until then, here is our journey via not-so-great photos from my Palm (hence why they are so small... sorry).

We started out with clear glass, variety of textures & shapes from Hobby Lobby:

We used these materials, a spray bottle of water, looking glass spray paint, and gold & black craft paint applied by Q-tips:

The first coat while drying looks a bit like this:

The curvy one turned out 'okay' although fairly opaque and not very antiqued looking. But the pieces with textured glass were a disaster:

These little votives looked so good - and then we put a candle in them and lit them and then they totally looked like an after school craft project :(

 Until next weekend...

Has anyone else tried this? Any helpful hints you can add??

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