21 December 2011

{Real} Little House :: Home Office Inspiration

Since announcing my occupational change {remember?} I've been pouring over home office photos to see what I would kind of environment I would want to work in day in & day out. This is the photo that just basically made me want to walk through my computer screen, sit down, and get right to work!

Now this particular photo is a little more modern than I usually go for so I will take a vintage spin on it (I have this fabulous antique table that will make a fabulous desk with a shape similar to the one pictured). But overall I love the fresh, clean feel of this photo. I've been dying to take my chances on a dark paint color so here's my opportunity!

Since a girl's gotta work this is project numero uno on the Little House agenda once we move in (the kitchen is a very close second). So stay tuned for pictures of the real thing!

What is or would be a must have for your home office?

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