22 December 2011

Old = New :: Crafting with Wine Corks

If you are a Pinterest addict like myself I'm sure you've seen some great uses for used wine corks floating about... there are a few perks to crafting with corks:

3. If adds a fun textural element to your decor & it's something different
2. You are recycling and that makes Mom Nature pretty happy
1. You get to drink a LOT of wine!!!!!!....

... really that's enough of a reason for me but just in case you needed more encouragement to get your cork crafting on, there are those other two up there.

Now, these diy items should be used SPARINGLY in your home. You should not go crazy with the corks around the house, just do a few projects that you love. Here are my faves & don't worry I included some ideas not for the home in case you really do want to go cork crazy. You're welcome.

{Cork Place Card Holder}

{New meaning to 'cork board'}


1 comment:

  1. شركة نقل عفش بالاحساء من افضل شركات نقل العفش والاثاث بمدينة الاحساء بخصومات كبيره للعملاء ارخص اسعار سيارات نقل الاثاث بالاحساء


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